News and
Report of the programme

Training on Fund
Raising Techniques, Mobilizing and Management of Community Resources
for Voluntary Organisations / NGOs on 20th March, 2012
A Workshop
on 'Domestic Workers : Present Status & Problems' was organized on
December 24, 2009 with following objectives :
To review the Status
& Conditions of Domestic Workers.
To sensitize the
representatives regarding different welfare provisions, development
activities for the Domestic Workers.
To map out the
modalities and strategies for the Organizations.
To strengthen the
networking among different Organizations of Domestic Workers.
The topics discussed in the workshop were -:
Maharashtra Domestic
Workers Welfare Board Act : Introduction & Background
Organization of
Domestic Workers
Problems of Female
Domestic Workers
Female domestic workers participated in this
Dr. Sanjay Gowai, Finance & Accounts Officer, University of Pune was
Chief Guest for concluding session.