Welcome to
Department of
Education and Extension

Department of Education & Extension welcomes all the students
who aspire to build their Carrier in Education. The Department of
Education & Extension was established in 1990 with aims as research
and higher learning center in area of Education and Educational
Sciences special learning on Teacher Education.
Dr. V. S. Deshpande , a Senior Educationalist was the first
Professor in charge and Head of the Department. He established
department by introducing M.Phil (Vocational) Course. From the
Academic year 2002-2003 Department introduced regular M.Ed. Course
under the Headship of Dr. D. V. Kulkarni. During the tenure up to
December 2005 Dr. Kulkarni as a Head established Department
as research Center.
Dr. Sanjeev Sonawane , Ex-Dean Faculty of Education and
Ex-Member of Management council joined Department in December 2005
and took over a charge as Head. Department introduced from July 2006
M. Phil Course in Education & Physical Education in regular and
Vocational mode. M. Ed (Physical Education) course also introduced
along with M.Phil courses. Dr. Sonawane expanded research and
teaching activity, now 150 Ph.D. fellows are perusing their Doctoral
study in the Department.
Physical Education courses transferred to newly established
Department of Physical Education from July 2008.