Management Council Member List

The Management Council
is the Principal Executive Authority of the University, and is
chaired by the Vice-Chancellor.
It typically consists of around 20 member, of which, three are
elected by the Academic Council and nine are elected or nominated by
the senate. The Management Council Formulates statutes, makes
ordinances to be approved by the senate, administers the affairs of
the University.
The Management Council shall be the principal executive and policy
making authority of the university and shall be responsible for administering the
affairs of the university and carrying out such duties, which are not specifically
assigned to any other authority.
There shall be not less than four meetings of the Management Council in a
The procedure for conduct of business to be followed at a meeting including the
quorum at the meeting and such other matters in relation to meetings as may be
necessary, shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
The Management Council shall consist of following members, namely:—
The Vice-Chancellor-Chairperson;
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
One eminent person from the field of education, industry, agriculture,
commerce, banking, finance, social, cultural and other allied fields to be nominated
by the Chancellor;
Two Deans to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor for tenure of two and half
One head or Director, nominated by the Vice- Chancellor from amongst the
heads or Directors of University Departments or University institutions for
a tenure of one year, by rotation: Provided that, in rotating the heads or Directors amongst Departments or
University institutions, the earlier Departments or University institutions, which
were given an opportunity of representation shall be ignored;
Two principals to be elected by the Senate from amongst the principals who
are the members of the Senate, out of whom one shall be elected from amongst
the principals who have been elected from Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes
or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class
categories, by rotation;
Two teachers who are not principals or directors of recognised institutions to
be elected by the Senate from amongst the teachers and university teachers who
are the members of the Senate, out of whom one shall be elected from amongst
the teachers and university teachers who have been elected from Scheduled Castes
or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or
Other Backward Class categories, by rotation ;
Two representatives of managements to be elected by Senate from amongst
the representatives of management who are members of Senate, and further
provided that same managementshall not have second consecutive institutional
Provided that, out of the two representatives under this clause, one member
shall be elected, by rotation, from amongst the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes, or De-notified Tribes (Vimukata Jatis) or Other Backward Class;
Two registered graduates elected by Senate from amongst elected registered
graduate members of Senate, out of whom one shall be elected from amongst the
registered graduates who have been elected from Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward
Class categories, by rotation;
Two members elected by the Academic Council form amongst its members,
one of whom shall be from amongst the elected teachers who are members of the
Council and another shall be a woman;
One eminent-expert from the institute or organization of National repute to
be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Chancellor ;
The Secretary, Higher Education or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy
Secretary or Joint Director of Higher Education;
The Director of Higher Education or his nominee, not below the rank of Joint
Director of Higher Education;
The Director of Technical Education or his nominee not below the rank of
Joint Director of Technical Education;
The Registrar - Member-Secretary.
The Finance and Accounts Officer and the Director, Board of Examinations and
Evaluation shall be invitees of the Management Council, but they shall have no
right to vote.
President of the university students council shall be invitee, who shall attend
the meeting as and when invited: Provided that, such President shall be invited at least in every three months to
discuss the issues related to the students' development, welfare and grievances.
Powers and duties of
Management Council
The Management Council shall have the following powers and duties, namely:—
To review and deliberate on short and long term reforms in academic,
research and development activities, finances, management and governance that
are taking place at the national and global level with a view to allow them to
percolate into the university;
To study and decide upon the operative mechanism for the reforms that
would be recommended by the Commission in all the domains of the university;
To make such provisions, as may enable colleges and institutions to
undertake specialized studies and courses, and where necessary or desirable,
organize and make provision for common laboratories, libraries, museums and
equipment for teaching and research;
To establish departments, colleges, schools, centres, institutions of higher
learning, research and specialized studies, on the recommendation of the
Academic Council;
To recommend to the senate, the draft of statutes or amendment or
repealment of statutes for approval;
To make, amend or repeal ordinances and regulations;
To control and arrange for administration of assets and properties of the
To discuss and approve with modifications, if any, the annual financial
estimates or budget, that is to say the fund which may be received from State
Government, university funds and other funding agencies separately, as received
from the Finance and Accounts Committee;
To consider proposals to enter into, amend, carry out and cancel contracts on
behalf of the university;
To determine the form of common seal for the university and provide for its
To accept, on behalf of the university the transfer of any trusts, bequests,
donations and transfer of any movable, immovable and intellectual property to the
To transfer by sale or otherwise, any movable or intellectual property rights
on behalf of the university;
To transfer by sale or lease or contract any immovable property to other
organization with the prior permission of the State Government: Provided that, any immovable property may be permitted to be used for the
specific period, for the purpose of providing essential physical facilities for
accomplishment of objects of the university, such as bank, canteen, post office,
mobile towers, etc., without prior approval of the State Government;
To create immovable assets in the form of land, building and other infrastructure out of reserve funds, for its campus and sub-campuses;
To borrow, lend or invest funds on behalf of the university as recommended by the Finance and Accounts Committee;
To lay down policy for administering funds at the disposal of the university for specific purposes;
To provide buildings, premises, furniture, equipment and other resources needed for the conduct of the work of the university;
To recommend the conferment of honorary degrees and academic distinctions;
To institute and confer such degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions as recommended by the Academic Council and arrange for convocation for conferment of the same, as provided by the Ordinances;
To institute fellowship, travelling fellowship, scholarship, studentship,exhibitions, awards, medals and prizes, and prescribe Regulations for their award;
To make Regulations for collaborations with other universities, institutions and organizations for mutually beneficial academic programmes recommended by the Board of Deans;
To create posts of university teachers and non-vacation academic staff from the funds of the university and from the funds received from other funding agencies, on the recommendation of the Academic Council, as and when required, and prescribe their qualifications, experience and pay-scales;
To create posts of officers, non-teaching skilled, administrative, ministerial staff and other posts from the funds of the university and from the funds received from other funding agencies, as and when required, and prescribe their qualifications, experience and pay-scales;
To prescribe honoraria, remunerations, fees and travelling and other allowances for paper-setters and other examination staff, visiting faculty, and fees or charges for any other services rendered to the university;
To recommend to the Academic Council the comprehensive perspective plan and annual plan for the location of colleges and institutions of higher learning, as prepared by the Board of Deans;
To consider and approve proposals for change or transfer of management and shifting of locations of colleges and institutions, as prescribed in the Statutes;
To receive and consider report of the development activities of the university received from the Registrar every six months;
To confer autonomous status on university departments, university institutions, affiliated colleges and recognized institutions on the recommendation of the Academic Council, as per the Statutes;
To assess and approve proposals for academic programmes received from the Academic Council;
To consider and adopt the annual report, annual accounts and audit report in respect of State Government funds, university funds and funds received from other agencies separately;
To cause an inquiry to be made in respect of any matter concerning the proper conduct, working and finances of colleges, institutions or departments of the university ;
To delegate, any of its powers, except the power to make, amend or repeal
Statutes and Ordinances, to the Vice-Chancellor or such officer or authority of
the university or a committee appointed by it, as it thinks fit ;
To define the functions, duties, powers and responsibilities of non-teaching
employees in the university, in respect of the posts created from the funds of the
university and from the funds received from other funding agencies ;
To deal with the cases related to the violation of prescribed fees according
to the provisions of the Maharashtra Educational Institutions (Prohibition of
Capitation Fee) Act, 1987 and other relevant Acts;
To accept donations, gifts and other forms of financial support from alumni,
philanthropists, industries and other stakeholders and prescribe the procedure to
be followed by the university for accepting such donations, gifts, etc ;
To impose penalties upon the erring colleges or recognized institutions after
following the procedure laid down by the Statutes;
To recommend to the State Government through the Vice Chancellor to appoint an Administrative Board for the affiliated college to run the management of such college in case of disputes regarding the management of such colleges, till the dispute is statutorily resolved. The constitution of this board and the process of its appointment shall be as prescribe by the Statutes. The decision of the State Government in this regard shall be final and binding ;
To develop and adopt students' charter.