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Advisory Council

  1. The Advisory Council shall consist of following members -

  2. a. to be nominated by the Chancellor,-
    • An eminent industrialist who has proven wide experience in the changingscenario of opportunities for youth and global trends in academy - industry interaction- Chairman;
    • An eminent scientist of repute with experience of working with national and gobal entities that deal with policy and approaches in research and development - Member;
    • An eminent social leader who has experience of working with the masses and understands the linkages between education and social transformations - Member;
    • An eminent educationist who is conversant with new trends in the world of higher education - Member;
    • An Information Communication Technology (ICT) expert who has wide experience at the national and international level in the in higher and professional education - Member;
    • (b) ex-officio :

    • the Vice-Chancellor - Member;
    • the Pro Vice-Chancellor -Member- Secretary;

  3. The powers and duties of the Council shall be as follows:-

    • to advise to the Vice-Chancellor through generation of reports and action plans in academic, research and development, administration, generation of financial resources and governance so as to make a University academically vibrant, adminis- tratively efficient and financially a strong system;
    • to devise a mechanism and approach for monitoring of the working of the University system as a whole and to keep track of the activities and provide information and critical analysis and comments on the progress and impact of the activities on the working of Universities and its identity in the Society;
    • to advise the University regarding strategic perspective planning ;
    • to take up any other task that the Chairman of the Council shall find of importance for the growth of the University;
    • to make periodic report on the development, progress, working of University to the Chancellor ;
    • to keep track of various reforms and policies thereon as devised by the Commission

  4. The Advisory Council shall meet at least two times in a year.

  5. The Finance and Accounts Officer and the Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation shall be invitees of the Management Council, but they shall have no right to vote.

  6. President of the university students council shall be invitee, who shall attend the meeting as and when invited:
        Provided that, such President shall be invited at least in every three months to discuss the issues related to the students' development, welfare and grievances.


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