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Board of Research

  1. There shall be a Board of Research to cultivate, promote and strengthen research activities and also to plan, co-ordinate, supervise and to raise finances for research activities in university departments, colleges and recognized institutions.

  2. The Board of Research shall consist of the following members, namely :

    1. The Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson;

    2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor;

    3. The Deans of faculties and Associate Deans, if any ;

    4. Four eminent researchers, of national or international repute nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, with proven experience; one each from pure and applied sciences and technology, humanities, commerce, accounts and finances, and interdisciplinary studies;

    5. Two teachers, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from university departments;

    6. Two teachers, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from university departments;

    7. Eight eminent persons from different areas of Science, Commerce, Agriculture, Banking , Finance, Industry, Intellectual Property Rights, etc., who are conversant with the global trends as well as regional issues to be nominated by Chancellor ;

    8. The Director, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages -Member-Secretary.

    Powers & Duties of Board of Research

    The Board of Research shall have the following powers and duties, namely:-

    1. To work on long term policy and strategy for promotion of research culture in the university, colleges and recognized institutions;

    2. To advise and encourage the teachers to take up research in emerging areas at individual and group level;

    3. To promote inter-disciplinary research programmes by co-ordinating amongst teachers and also to make and articulate policies for sharing of research and development infrastructure;

    4. To encourage the university departments, colleges and recognized institutions to hold research seminars in all disciplines for the research students;

    5. To publish research journals, monographs for different disciplines;

    6. To decide upon policy for maintenance of standards of research for Ph.D. degrees, in consonance with the norms of the University Grants Commission and other regulatory bodies;

    7. To work on creation of research and development data base for work done in university departments, colleges and recognized institutions in a stand-alone mode or as group activity or in collaboration with industries and other research and development laboratories;

    8. To work out and initiate research in delivery of education, pedagogy of face-to-face and e-learning, impact of e-learning and virtual classrooms on learn- ing and understanding of students, open distance learning and conventional education;

    9. To make efforts and also assist the teachers, university departments, colleges and recognized institutions to raise the funds for research activities;

    10. To work out the budget for research activities of the university;

    11. To mobilize money from the industry for enhancing research activities;

    12. To identify problems and issues related to the region within the jurisdiction of the university and to take special initiative to address such issues through systematic research;

    13. To work on long-term policies and strategies for creating synergy between researchers and industries resulting into promotion of knowledge and technology transfer and productive conversion of research;

    14. To encourage industries to promote, adopt and participate in the basic and applied research projects;

    15. To establish central research laboratories with the help of participation of national and international industries;

    16. To undertake any other task as may be assigned by the university authorities so as to carry out objectives of the Board of Research.


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