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Board of National and International Linkages

  1. There shall be a Board of National and International Linkages to cultivate, establish, maintain and strengthen the link of the university with premier national and international universities and institutions.

  2. The Board shall meet at least three times in a year.

  3. The Board of National and International Linkages shall consist of the following members, namely:-

  4. The Management Council shall consist of following members, namely:—

    1. The Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson;

    2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor;

    3. The Deans of faculties and Associate Deans, if any ;

    4. One member of the Management Council, from amongst its elected mem- bers, nominated by the Vice- Chancellor;

    5. One senior professor, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from the university post-graduate Department;

    6. Two principals, of whom one shall be from autonomous or empowered autonomous colleges or empowered autonomous institutions and one shall be from affiliated colleges to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;

    7. One expert from industries having proven expertise about National and International linkages to be nominated by Commission;

    8. The Director, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages -Member-Secretary.

    Powers and Duties of Board of National and International Linkage.

    The Board of National and International Linkages shall have the following powers and duties, namely:—

    1. To work on long term policy and strategy for promotion of inter-linkages with premier national and international universities and institutions;

    2. To evolve a process to collaborate with national and international agencies, universities, colleges and institutions for sharing of academic resources, running joint research and development and teaching programmes, running joint degree programmes with national and international universities, colleges and institutions;

    3. To evolve mechanism for visits of teachers or research and development scientists or experts from industry and other entities, to the university departments, colleges and institutions and vice-versa, and also to work out the details on logistic support for such visitors;

    4. To evolve mechanism for visits of teachers and students from [university departments to national and international universities or institutions] university departments, colleges and institutions to national and international universities, colleges or institutions and vice-versa, and also to work out details on budgetary provisions and logistic support for such visits;

    5. To evolve a mechanism to assist foreign students and migrant Indian students, their admissions and completion of other statutory formalities;

    6. To organize cultural and other activities such as visits of foreign students and migrant Indian students to other parts of India;

    7. To make arrangements for other logistic infrastructure, if any, created by the university for foreign students and migrant Indian students;

    8. To work out budgetary provision for activities of the Board and for providing various services to foreign students and migrant Indian students;

    9. To undertake any other task as may be assigned by the university authorities so as to carry out objectives of the Board of National and International Linkages.


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