The Board of Innovation, Incubation and Enterprise
There shall be a Board of Innovation, Incubation and Enterprise for
creation and cultivation of an enabling environment to propagate the concept of
innovation and to convert the innovative ideas into working models through a process
of incubation which shall finally lead to the creation of enterprise.
The university shall establish an independent Centre for Innovation,
Incubation and Enterprise to carry out the objectives of the Board for Innovation,
Incubation and Enterprise. The Centre shall exercise the powers and perform the
duties as may be assigned by the Board, from time to time.
The Board for Innovation, Incubation and Enterprise shall consist of the follow-
ing members, namely:-
The Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson;
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
The Deans of faculties and Associate Deans, if any ;
Five prominent industrialists, nominated by Commission from manufac-
turing, information and communication technology, bio-sciences and technology,
agro - industries and service industries;
One senior manager from the lead bank of the District in which head
quarter of the University is located to be nominated by Vice-Chancellor;
Two teachers from university departments or university institutions,
who are active in innovation, research and development nominated by the Vice-
Two teachers, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, from colleges who are
active in innovation, research and development;
The representative of Department of Information and Technology, not below
the rank of the Deputy Secretary;
The Director, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages - Member-Secretary.
There shall be minimum three meetings of the Board to be conducted in the
The Board of Innovation, Incubation and Enterprise shall have the following
powers and duties, namely:-
To create synergy at policy and operative level mechanism for co-existence
and co-operation between various research and development activities in uni-
versity departments, colleges and various industries in the State and in other
To create synergy through operative policy mechanism and support system
for incubation of good ideas such as product, process, service and innovation, into
a scalable mode so as to establish small, medium and large industries;
To establish a system to support protection of intellectual property rights at
national and global level;
To establish a system so as to guide and help young entrepreneurs in opera-
tional, legal, business model creation and financial support;
To project and plan the activities to be carried out by the Centre for Innova-
tion, Incubation and Enterprise;
To prepare annual programmes of activities of the Centre for Innovation,
Incubation and Enterprise and review the same periodically;
To prepare the annual budget of the Centre for Innovation, Incubation and
Powers and duties of Board of Innovation, Incubation and Enterprise
To oversee and monitor the activities of the Centre for Innovation, Incubation
and Enterprise;
To submit an annual report of working of Centre for Innovation, Incubation
and Enterprise to the Management Council;
To undertake any other task as may be assigned by the university authorities
to carry out the objectives of the Board for Innovation, Incubation and